August 16, 2023

ATLAS has released a series of tutorials for AtlasPRO pilots

Five animated videos contain instructions specifically designed by ATLAS flight school for the Ukrainian military to help them prepare for missions.


Anyone can take on the role of drone pilot; there is no need for specialized or advanced technical skills. On the other hand, the professional drone market requires a special approach to drone control. ATLAS has developed a training program that can be tailored to any client–whether a rescuer, a businessman, or a soldier.

ATLAS CEO Ivan Tolchinsky says:

“The company's collaboration with the military has led to the development of distinctive characteristics, such as anti-jamming or relay control undercover. These functions serve as a protective shield for a pilot, acting as a kind of ‘tank’. They safeguard him from hostile assaults. Everyone can drive a car, but driving a tank requires certain skills. The same applies to AtlasPRO. We teach how to drive a tank.”

ATLAS training entails a special program developed by the company’s highly qualified pilots. It takes 10 days and consists of multiple training modules: theoretical with watching tutorials, practical, and an exam. According to the results of the exam, the chief instructor decides on each student’s readiness to become an ATLAS pilot and awards a certificate. 

The ATLAS instructor says:

“AtlasPRO is not just a civilian drone. It is important to set it up correctly in conditions of jamming or poor connection. Therefore, for correct operation, the integrity of the drone, and the operators themselves, it is imperative to undergo a training course that provides an in-depth understanding of the drone's capabilities. Educational videos help clients absorb the knowledge and remember the details faster.”

Five tutorial videos of about two-and-a-half minutes each explain how to use ATLAS products, in particular, how to set up frequency hopping, how to use the AtlasRELAY features, how to fly in MESH, how to stream video, and how to activate hot-swap drones. With the help of the videos, a pilot can always refresh its knowledge to ensure mission success. Specifically, these videos were specially translated into Ukrainian and adapted for Ukrainian clients. A series of English-language tutorials will be released soon.

The newly presented training videos can be permanently retained by the client and are also freely available on ATLAS social platforms.

In addition, the company provides ongoing support to all its customers and is ready to aid in their search for the unique solutions ATLAS devices provide.